Manifest Your Millions

 ✨Transform Your Financial Future with the Ultimate Money Mindset Makeover

Heal Your Relationship with Money 

 Inside Manifest Your Millions you will:

✔️ identify your current money stories and where they came from

✔️ let go of the limiting beliefs that are holding you back from having the money you want 

✔️create alignment between the goals you have for your future, and your NEW money beliefs 

✔️enter your rich girl era 🔥

$99 $47


What Are We Manifesting?

Module 1: Money Beliefs

Get ready to explore your personal money beliefs. In this module, we'll uncover any patterns or behaviors that might be holding you back from reaching your full financial potential.

Together, we'll delve into the beliefs shaping your financial decisions, break down barriers, and pave the way for a more empowered and prosperous future!

Module 2: Why You Stay Stuck


In this module, we're delving into the factors that can keep us stagnant, whether they're in our conscious or subconscious minds. Together, we'll unravel the origins of these sticking points and discover practical ways to navigate them, not just for today but for any hurdles.

This is your safe space to explore, grow, and thrive. 

Module 3: Forgive & Release Old Money Beliefs

Now that we've identified the limiting beliefs surrounding money and our capacity to build financial stability for ourselves and our families, it's time to forgive and release these beliefs. We'll embark on a journey of self-compassion, working through the process of forgiveness and letting go of each limiting belief.

Together, we'll create space for a mindset of financial abundance.

Module 4: Creating Productive New Beliefs | Take Control of Your Financial Future


We've cleared the path and cultivated a mindset of abundance, it's time to harness that newfound space and power. In this module, we'll embark on a journey of transformation, step by step, to craft powerful new money beliefs that will shape the trajectory of your financial future.

Together, we'll set the stage for claiming financial security, generating more income, and creating a life you LOVE. Think of it as your personal roadmap to empowerment and fulfillment, where you're in the driver's seat of your financial destiny.

$99 $47